TDLR Compliant | Fully Insured

Reliable Private Property Towing

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Our Services

We add value to your property. Everything you need for a worry-free parking lot.

With Ideal Towing you’ll get:

Qualified Driver Icon

Qualified drivers

Safest Protocol Icon

Safest protocols

Latest Equipment Icon

Latest equipment

24-7 Monitoring Icon

24/7 monitoring

We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our private property towing services — if you don’t love our work, just let us know. Our dedicated parking lot experts will work with you to give you the results you need.

Download Smart Parking App

Our goal of making easy-to-use, accessible software is no more evident than in our Parking Attendant. What started off as a simple online guest form has now become the parking app for over 120,000 residents across the US.
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Download Smart Parking App - Ideal Towing

We’ll make sure your parking lot is safe and looks great no matter how big or small it may be.

Simply the best private property towing company in town! Everything we do, we believe in challenging current situations to make things better. We believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the current situations is by making our services tailored to your needs, simple to use, and user-friendly; which happens to make things more effective. Give us the opportunity to show you.

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General Private Property Towing Frequently Asked Questions

There is no cost for junk vehicle removals. The cost is the direct responsibility of the owner or operator of the vehicle to be removed. This is applies all residential and commercial private parking facilities.
Not if in compliance with the following chapter. Texas Occupation Code: Sec. 2308.403. LIMITATION ON LIABILITY OF PARKING FACILITY OWNER FOR REMOVAL OR STORAGE OF UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLE. A parking facility owner who causes the removal of an unauthorized vehicle is not liable for damages arising from the removal or storage of the vehicle if the vehicle: (1) was removed in compliance with this chapter; and (2) is: (A) removed by a towing company insured against liability for property damage incurred in towing a vehicle; and (B) stored by a vehicle storage facility insured against liability for property damage incurred in storing a vehicle.
You can call your local police department’s non-emergency number. All private parking lot facility towing companies require to report every tow they perform to the police. All vehicle storage facilities that accept a vehicle are required to issue a towing report to the local police municipality in which the vehicle was removed within two hours of receiving the vehicle. If the vehicle was towed from a location not belonging to a municipality, the local county sheriff’s office is to be informed.
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